The XmpInformation Class

class PyPDF2.xmp.XmpInformation(stream)[source]

Bases: PyPDF2.generic.PdfObject

An object that represents Adobe XMP metadata. Usually accessed by getXmpMetadata()

property custom_properties

Retrieves custom metadata properties defined in the undocumented pdfx metadata schema.


a dictionary of key/value items for custom metadata properties.

Return type


property dc_contributor

Contributors to the resource (other than the authors). An unsorted array of names.

property dc_coverage

Text describing the extent or scope of the resource.

property dc_creator

A sorted array of names of the authors of the resource, listed in order of precedence.

property dc_date

A sorted array of dates (datetime.datetime instances) of significance to the resource. The dates and times are in UTC.

property dc_description

A language-keyed dictionary of textual descriptions of the content of the resource.

property dc_format

The mime-type of the resource.

property dc_identifier

Unique identifier of the resource.

property dc_language

An unordered array specifying the languages used in the resource.

property dc_publisher

An unordered array of publisher names.

property dc_relation

An unordered array of text descriptions of relationships to other documents.

property dc_rights

A language-keyed dictionary of textual descriptions of the rights the user has to this resource.

property dc_source

Unique identifier of the work from which this resource was derived.

property dc_subject

An unordered array of descriptive phrases or keywrods that specify the topic of the content of the resource.

property dc_title

A language-keyed dictionary of the title of the resource.

property dc_type

An unordered array of textual descriptions of the document type.

getElement(aboutUri, namespace, name)[source]
getNodesInNamespace(aboutUri, namespace)[source]
property pdf_keywords

An unformatted text string representing document keywords.

property pdf_pdfversion

The PDF file version, for example 1.0, 1.3.

property pdf_producer

The name of the tool that created the PDF document.

writeToStream(stream, encryption_key)[source]
property xmp_createDate

The date and time the resource was originally created. The date and time are returned as a UTC datetime.datetime object.

property xmp_creatorTool

The name of the first known tool used to create the resource.

property xmp_metadataDate

The date and time that any metadata for this resource was last changed. The date and time are returned as a UTC datetime.datetime object.

property xmp_modifyDate

The date and time the resource was last modified. The date and time are returned as a UTC datetime.datetime object.

property xmpmm_documentId

The common identifier for all versions and renditions of this resource.

property xmpmm_instanceId

An identifier for a specific incarnation of a document, updated each time a file is saved.