Source code for PyPDF2._page

# Copyright (c) 2006, Mathieu Fenniak
# Copyright (c) 2007, Ashish Kulkarni <>
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
# met:
# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
# and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# * The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
# derived from this software without specific prior written permission.

import math
import uuid
import warnings
from decimal import Decimal
from typing import (

from ._cmap import build_char_map, unknown_char_map
from ._utils import (
from .constants import PageAttributes as PG
from .constants import Ressources as RES
from .errors import PageSizeNotDefinedError, PdfReadWarning
from .generic import (

def _get_rectangle(self: Any, name: str, defaults: Iterable[str]) -> RectangleObject:
    retval: Union[None, RectangleObject, IndirectObject] = self.get(name)
    if isinstance(retval, RectangleObject):
        return retval
    if retval is None:
        for d in defaults:
            retval = self.get(d)
            if retval is not None:
    if isinstance(retval, IndirectObject):
        retval = self.pdf.get_object(retval)
    retval = RectangleObject(retval)  # type: ignore
    _set_rectangle(self, name, retval)
    return retval

def getRectangle(self: Any, name: str, defaults: Iterable[str]) -> RectangleObject:
    return _get_rectangle(self, name, defaults)

def _set_rectangle(self: Any, name: str, value: Union[RectangleObject, float]) -> None:
    if not isinstance(name, NameObject):
        name = NameObject(name)
    self[name] = value

def setRectangle(self: Any, name: str, value: Union[RectangleObject, float]) -> None:
    _set_rectangle(self, name, value)

def _delete_rectangle(self: Any, name: str) -> None:
    del self[name]

def deleteRectangle(self: Any, name: str) -> None:
    del self[name]

def _create_rectangle_accessor(name: str, fallback: Iterable[str]) -> property:
    return property(
        lambda self: _get_rectangle(self, name, fallback),
        lambda self, value: _set_rectangle(self, name, value),
        lambda self: _delete_rectangle(self, name),

def createRectangleAccessor(name: str, fallback: Iterable[str]) -> property:
    return _create_rectangle_accessor(name, fallback)

[docs]class Transformation: """ Specify a 2D transformation. The transformation between two coordinate systems is represented by a 3-by-3 transformation matrix written as follows:: a b 0 c d 0 e f 1 Because a transformation matrix has only six elements that can be changed, it is usually specified in PDF as the six-element array [ a b c d e f ]. Coordinate transformations are expressed as matrix multiplications:: a b 0 [ x′ y′ 1 ] = [ x y 1 ] × c d 0 e f 1 Usage ----- >>> from PyPDF2 import Transformation >>> op = Transformation().scale(sx=2, sy=3).translate(tx=10, ty=20) >>> page.add_transformation(op) """ # 9.5.4 Coordinate Systems for 3D # 4.2.2 Common Transformations def __init__(self, ctm: CompressedTransformationMatrix = (1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0)): self.ctm = ctm @property def matrix(self) -> TransformationMatrixType: return ( (self.ctm[0], self.ctm[1], 0), (self.ctm[2], self.ctm[3], 0), (self.ctm[4], self.ctm[5], 1), )
[docs] @staticmethod def compress(matrix: TransformationMatrixType) -> CompressedTransformationMatrix: return ( matrix[0][0], matrix[0][1], matrix[1][0], matrix[1][1], matrix[0][2], matrix[1][2], )
[docs] def translate(self, tx: float = 0, ty: float = 0) -> "Transformation": m = self.ctm return Transformation(ctm=(m[0], m[1], m[2], m[3], m[4] + tx, m[5] + ty))
[docs] def scale( self, sx: Optional[float] = None, sy: Optional[float] = None ) -> "Transformation": if sx is None and sy is None: raise ValueError("Either sx or sy must be specified") if sx is None: sx = sy if sy is None: sy = sx assert sx is not None assert sy is not None op: TransformationMatrixType = ((sx, 0, 0), (0, sy, 0), (0, 0, 1)) ctm = Transformation.compress(matrix_multiply(self.matrix, op)) return Transformation(ctm)
[docs] def rotate(self, rotation: float) -> "Transformation": rotation = math.radians(rotation) op: TransformationMatrixType = ( (math.cos(rotation), math.sin(rotation), 0), (-math.sin(rotation), math.cos(rotation), 0), (0, 0, 1), ) ctm = Transformation.compress(matrix_multiply(self.matrix, op)) return Transformation(ctm)
def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"Transformation(ctm={self.ctm})"
[docs]class PageObject(DictionaryObject): """ PageObject represents a single page within a PDF file. Typically this object will be created by accessing the :meth:`get_page()<PyPDF2.PdfReader.get_page>` method of the :class:`PdfReader<PyPDF2.PdfReader>` class, but it is also possible to create an empty page with the :meth:`create_blank_page()<PyPDF2._page.PageObject.create_blank_page>` static method. :param pdf: PDF file the page belongs to. :param indirect_ref: Stores the original indirect reference to this object in its source PDF """ def __init__( self, pdf: Optional[Any] = None, # PdfReader indirect_ref: Optional[IndirectObject] = None, ) -> None: from ._reader import PdfReader DictionaryObject.__init__(self) self.pdf: Optional[PdfReader] = pdf self.indirect_ref = indirect_ref
[docs] @staticmethod def create_blank_page( pdf: Optional[Any] = None, # PdfReader width: Union[float, Decimal, None] = None, height: Union[float, Decimal, None] = None, ) -> "PageObject": """ Return a new blank page. If ``width`` or ``height`` is ``None``, try to get the page size from the last page of *pdf*. :param pdf: PDF file the page belongs to :param float width: The width of the new page expressed in default user space units. :param float height: The height of the new page expressed in default user space units. :return: the new blank page: :rtype: :class:`PageObject<PageObject>` :raises PageSizeNotDefinedError: if ``pdf`` is ``None`` or contains no page """ page = PageObject(pdf) # Creates a new page (cf PDF Reference page.__setitem__(NameObject(PG.TYPE), NameObject("/Page")) page.__setitem__(NameObject(PG.PARENT), NullObject()) page.__setitem__(NameObject(PG.RESOURCES), DictionaryObject()) if width is None or height is None: if pdf is not None and len(pdf.pages) > 0: lastpage = pdf.pages[len(pdf.pages) - 1] width = lastpage.mediabox.width height = lastpage.mediabox.height else: raise PageSizeNotDefinedError page.__setitem__( NameObject(PG.MEDIABOX), RectangleObject((0, 0, width, height)) # type: ignore ) return page
[docs] @staticmethod def createBlankPage( pdf: Optional[Any] = None, # PdfReader width: Union[float, Decimal, None] = None, height: Union[float, Decimal, None] = None, ) -> "PageObject": # pragma: no cover """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :meth:`create_blank_page` instead. """ deprecate_with_replacement("createBlankPage", "create_blank_page") return PageObject.create_blank_page(pdf, width, height)
[docs] def rotate(self, angle: float) -> "PageObject": """ Rotate a page clockwise by increments of 90 degrees. :param int angle: Angle to rotate the page. Must be an increment of 90 deg. """ if angle % 90 != 0: raise ValueError("Rotation angle must be a multiple of 90") rotate_obj = self.get(PG.ROTATE, 0) current_angle = ( rotate_obj if isinstance(rotate_obj, int) else rotate_obj.get_object() ) self[NameObject(PG.ROTATE)] = NumberObject(current_angle + angle) return self
[docs] def rotate_clockwise(self, angle: float) -> "PageObject": # pragma: no cover deprecate_with_replacement("rotate_clockwise", "rotate") return self.rotate(angle)
[docs] def rotateClockwise(self, angle: float) -> "PageObject": # pragma: no cover """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :meth:`rotate_clockwise` instead. """ deprecate_with_replacement("rotateClockwise", "rotate") return self.rotate(angle)
[docs] def rotateCounterClockwise(self, angle: float) -> "PageObject": # pragma: no cover """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :meth:`rotate_clockwise` with a negative argument instead. """ deprecate_with_replacement("rotateCounterClockwise", "rotate") return self.rotate(-angle)
@staticmethod def _merge_resources( res1: DictionaryObject, res2: DictionaryObject, resource: Any ) -> Tuple[Dict[str, Any], Dict[str, Any]]: new_res = DictionaryObject() new_res.update(res1.get(resource, DictionaryObject()).get_object()) page2res = cast( DictionaryObject, res2.get(resource, DictionaryObject()).get_object() ) rename_res = {} for key in list(page2res.keys()): if key in new_res and new_res.raw_get(key) != page2res.raw_get(key): newname = NameObject(key + str(uuid.uuid4())) rename_res[key] = newname new_res[newname] = page2res[key] elif key not in new_res: new_res[key] = page2res.raw_get(key) return new_res, rename_res @staticmethod def _content_stream_rename( stream: ContentStream, rename: Dict[Any, Any], pdf: Any # PdfReader ) -> ContentStream: if not rename: return stream stream = ContentStream(stream, pdf) for operands, _operator in stream.operations: if isinstance(operands, list): for i in range(len(operands)): op = operands[i] if isinstance(op, NameObject): operands[i] = rename.get(op, op) elif isinstance(operands, dict): for i in operands: op = operands[i] if isinstance(op, NameObject): operands[i] = rename.get(op, op) else: raise KeyError("type of operands is %s" % type(operands)) return stream @staticmethod def _push_pop_gs(contents: Any, pdf: Any) -> ContentStream: # PdfReader # adds a graphics state "push" and "pop" to the beginning and end # of a content stream. This isolates it from changes such as # transformation matricies. stream = ContentStream(contents, pdf) stream.operations.insert(0, ([], "q")) stream.operations.append(([], "Q")) return stream @staticmethod def _add_transformation_matrix( contents: Any, pdf: Any, ctm: CompressedTransformationMatrix ) -> ContentStream: # PdfReader # adds transformation matrix at the beginning of the given # contents stream. a, b, c, d, e, f = ctm contents = ContentStream(contents, pdf) contents.operations.insert( 0, [ [ FloatObject(a), FloatObject(b), FloatObject(c), FloatObject(d), FloatObject(e), FloatObject(f), ], " cm", ], ) return contents
[docs] def get_contents(self) -> Optional[ContentStream]: """ Access the page contents. :return: the ``/Contents`` object, or ``None`` if it doesn't exist. ``/Contents`` is optional, as described in PDF Reference """ if PG.CONTENTS in self: return self[PG.CONTENTS].get_object() # type: ignore else: return None
[docs] def getContents(self) -> Optional[ContentStream]: # pragma: no cover """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :meth:`get_contents` instead. """ deprecate_with_replacement("getContents", "get_contents") return self.get_contents()
[docs] def merge_page(self, page2: "PageObject", expand: bool = False) -> None: """ Merge the content streams of two pages into one. Resource references (i.e. fonts) are maintained from both pages. The mediabox/cropbox/etc of this page are not altered. The parameter page's content stream will be added to the end of this page's content stream, meaning that it will be drawn after, or "on top" of this page. :param PageObject page2: The page to be merged into this one. Should be an instance of :class:`PageObject<PageObject>`. :param bool expand: If true, the current page dimensions will be expanded to accommodate the dimensions of the page to be merged. """ self._merge_page(page2, expand=expand)
[docs] def mergePage(self, page2: "PageObject") -> None: # pragma: no cover """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :meth:`merge_page` instead. """ deprecate_with_replacement("mergePage", "merge_page") return self.merge_page(page2)
def _merge_page( self, page2: "PageObject", page2transformation: Optional[Callable[[Any], ContentStream]] = None, ctm: Optional[CompressedTransformationMatrix] = None, expand: bool = False, ) -> None: # First we work on merging the resource dictionaries. This allows us # to find out what symbols in the content streams we might need to # rename. new_resources = DictionaryObject() rename = {} original_resources = cast(DictionaryObject, self[PG.RESOURCES].get_object()) page2resources = cast(DictionaryObject, page2[PG.RESOURCES].get_object()) new_annots = ArrayObject() for page in (self, page2): if PG.ANNOTS in page: annots = page[PG.ANNOTS] if isinstance(annots, ArrayObject): for ref in annots: new_annots.append(ref) for res in ( RES.EXT_G_STATE, RES.FONT, RES.XOBJECT, RES.COLOR_SPACE, RES.PATTERN, RES.SHADING, RES.PROPERTIES, ): new, newrename = PageObject._merge_resources( original_resources, page2resources, res ) if new: new_resources[NameObject(res)] = new rename.update(newrename) # Combine /ProcSet sets. new_resources[NameObject(RES.PROC_SET)] = ArrayObject( frozenset( original_resources.get(RES.PROC_SET, ArrayObject()).get_object() # type: ignore ).union( frozenset(page2resources.get(RES.PROC_SET, ArrayObject()).get_object()) # type: ignore ) ) new_content_array = ArrayObject() original_content = self.get_contents() if original_content is not None: new_content_array.append( PageObject._push_pop_gs(original_content, self.pdf) ) page2content = page2.get_contents() if page2content is not None: page2content = ContentStream(page2content, self.pdf) page2content.operations.insert( 0, ( map( FloatObject, [ page2.trimbox.left, page2.trimbox.bottom, page2.trimbox.width, page2.trimbox.height, ], ), "re", ), ) page2content.operations.insert(1, ([], "W")) page2content.operations.insert(2, ([], "n")) if page2transformation is not None: page2content = page2transformation(page2content) page2content = PageObject._content_stream_rename( page2content, rename, self.pdf ) page2content = PageObject._push_pop_gs(page2content, self.pdf) new_content_array.append(page2content) # if expanding the page to fit a new page, calculate the new media box size if expand: self._expand_mediabox(page2, ctm) self[NameObject(PG.CONTENTS)] = ContentStream(new_content_array, self.pdf) self[NameObject(PG.RESOURCES)] = new_resources self[NameObject(PG.ANNOTS)] = new_annots def _expand_mediabox( self, page2: "PageObject", ctm: Optional[CompressedTransformationMatrix] ) -> None: corners1 = ( self.mediabox.left.as_numeric(), self.mediabox.bottom.as_numeric(), self.mediabox.right.as_numeric(),, ) corners2 = ( page2.mediabox.left.as_numeric(), page2.mediabox.bottom.as_numeric(), page2.mediabox.left.as_numeric(),, page2.mediabox.right.as_numeric(),, page2.mediabox.right.as_numeric(), page2.mediabox.bottom.as_numeric(), ) if ctm is not None: ctm = tuple(float(x) for x in ctm) # type: ignore[assignment] new_x = tuple( ctm[0] * corners2[i] + ctm[2] * corners2[i + 1] + ctm[4] for i in range(0, 8, 2) ) new_y = tuple( ctm[1] * corners2[i] + ctm[3] * corners2[i + 1] + ctm[5] for i in range(0, 8, 2) ) else: new_x = corners2[0:8:2] new_y = corners2[1:8:2] lowerleft = (min(new_x), min(new_y)) upperright = (max(new_x), max(new_y)) lowerleft = (min(corners1[0], lowerleft[0]), min(corners1[1], lowerleft[1])) upperright = ( max(corners1[2], upperright[0]), max(corners1[3], upperright[1]), ) self.mediabox.lower_left = lowerleft self.mediabox.upper_right = upperright
[docs] def mergeTransformedPage( self, page2: "PageObject", ctm: Union[CompressedTransformationMatrix, Transformation], expand: bool = False, ) -> None: # pragma: no cover """ mergeTransformedPage is similar to merge_page, but a transformation matrix is applied to the merged stream. :param PageObject page2: The page to be merged into this one. Should be an instance of :class:`PageObject<PageObject>`. :param tuple ctm: a 6-element tuple containing the operands of the transformation matrix :param bool expand: Whether the page should be expanded to fit the dimensions of the page to be merged. .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :meth:`add_transformation` and :meth:`merge_page` instead. """ deprecate_with_replacement( "page.mergeTransformedPage(page2, ctm)", "page2.add_transformation(ctm); page.merge_page(page2)", ) if isinstance(ctm, Transformation): ctm = ctm.ctm ctm = cast(CompressedTransformationMatrix, ctm) self._merge_page( page2, lambda page2Content: PageObject._add_transformation_matrix( page2Content, page2.pdf, ctm # type: ignore[arg-type] ), ctm, expand, )
[docs] def mergeScaledPage( self, page2: "PageObject", scale: float, expand: bool = False ) -> None: # pragma: no cover """ mergeScaledPage is similar to merge_page, but the stream to be merged is scaled by appling a transformation matrix. :param PageObject page2: The page to be merged into this one. Should be an instance of :class:`PageObject<PageObject>`. :param float scale: The scaling factor :param bool expand: Whether the page should be expanded to fit the dimensions of the page to be merged. .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :meth:`add_transformation` and :meth:`merge_page` instead. """ deprecate_with_replacement( "page.mergeScaledPage(page2, scale, expand)", "page2.add_transformation(Transformation().scale(scale)); page.merge_page(page2, expand)", ) op = Transformation().scale(scale, scale) self.mergeTransformedPage(page2, op, expand)
[docs] def mergeRotatedPage( self, page2: "PageObject", rotation: float, expand: bool = False ) -> None: # pragma: no cover """ mergeRotatedPage is similar to merge_page, but the stream to be merged is rotated by appling a transformation matrix. :param PageObject page2: the page to be merged into this one. Should be an instance of :class:`PageObject<PageObject>`. :param float rotation: The angle of the rotation, in degrees :param bool expand: Whether the page should be expanded to fit the dimensions of the page to be merged. .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :meth:`add_transformation` and :meth:`merge_page` instead. """ deprecate_with_replacement( "page.mergeRotatedPage(page2, rotation, expand)", "page2.add_transformation(Transformation().rotate(rotation)); page.merge_page(page2, expand)", ) op = Transformation().rotate(rotation) self.mergeTransformedPage(page2, op, expand)
[docs] def mergeTranslatedPage( self, page2: "PageObject", tx: float, ty: float, expand: bool = False ) -> None: # pragma: no cover """ mergeTranslatedPage is similar to merge_page, but the stream to be merged is translated by appling a transformation matrix. :param PageObject page2: the page to be merged into this one. Should be an instance of :class:`PageObject<PageObject>`. :param float tx: The translation on X axis :param float ty: The translation on Y axis :param bool expand: Whether the page should be expanded to fit the dimensions of the page to be merged. .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :meth:`add_transformation` and :meth:`merge_page` instead. """ deprecate_with_replacement( "page.mergeTranslatedPage(page2, tx, ty, expand)", "page2.add_transformation(Transformation().translate(tx, ty)); page.merge_page(page2, expand)", ) op = Transformation().translate(tx, ty) self.mergeTransformedPage(page2, op, expand)
[docs] def mergeRotatedTranslatedPage( self, page2: "PageObject", rotation: float, tx: float, ty: float, expand: bool = False, ) -> None: # pragma: no cover """ mergeRotatedTranslatedPage is similar to merge_page, but the stream to be merged is rotated and translated by appling a transformation matrix. :param PageObject page2: the page to be merged into this one. Should be an instance of :class:`PageObject<PageObject>`. :param float tx: The translation on X axis :param float ty: The translation on Y axis :param float rotation: The angle of the rotation, in degrees :param bool expand: Whether the page should be expanded to fit the dimensions of the page to be merged. .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :meth:`add_transformation` and :meth:`merge_page` instead. """ deprecate_with_replacement( "page.mergeRotatedTranslatedPage(page2, rotation, tx, ty, expand)", "page2.add_transformation(Transformation().rotate(rotation).translate(tx, ty)); page.merge_page(page2, expand)", ) op = Transformation().translate(-tx, -ty).rotate(rotation).translate(tx, ty) return self.mergeTransformedPage(page2, op, expand)
[docs] def mergeRotatedScaledPage( self, page2: "PageObject", rotation: float, scale: float, expand: bool = False ) -> None: # pragma: no cover """ mergeRotatedScaledPage is similar to merge_page, but the stream to be merged is rotated and scaled by appling a transformation matrix. :param PageObject page2: the page to be merged into this one. Should be an instance of :class:`PageObject<PageObject>`. :param float rotation: The angle of the rotation, in degrees :param float scale: The scaling factor :param bool expand: Whether the page should be expanded to fit the dimensions of the page to be merged. .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :meth:`add_transformation` and :meth:`merge_page` instead. """ deprecate_with_replacement( "page.mergeRotatedScaledPage(page2, rotation, scale, expand)", "page2.add_transformation(Transformation().rotate(rotation).scale(scale)); page.merge_page(page2, expand)", ) op = Transformation().rotate(rotation).scale(scale, scale) self.mergeTransformedPage(page2, op, expand)
[docs] def mergeScaledTranslatedPage( self, page2: "PageObject", scale: float, tx: float, ty: float, expand: bool = False, ) -> None: # pragma: no cover """ mergeScaledTranslatedPage is similar to merge_page, but the stream to be merged is translated and scaled by appling a transformation matrix. :param PageObject page2: the page to be merged into this one. Should be an instance of :class:`PageObject<PageObject>`. :param float scale: The scaling factor :param float tx: The translation on X axis :param float ty: The translation on Y axis :param bool expand: Whether the page should be expanded to fit the dimensions of the page to be merged. .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :meth:`add_transformation` and :meth:`merge_page` instead. """ deprecate_with_replacement( "page.mergeScaledTranslatedPage(page2, scale, tx, ty, expand)", "page2.add_transformation(Transformation().scale(scale).translate(tx, ty)); page.merge_page(page2, expand)", ) op = Transformation().scale(scale, scale).translate(tx, ty) return self.mergeTransformedPage(page2, op, expand)
[docs] def mergeRotatedScaledTranslatedPage( self, page2: "PageObject", rotation: float, scale: float, tx: float, ty: float, expand: bool = False, ) -> None: # pragma: no cover """ mergeRotatedScaledTranslatedPage is similar to merge_page, but the stream to be merged is translated, rotated and scaled by appling a transformation matrix. :param PageObject page2: the page to be merged into this one. Should be an instance of :class:`PageObject<PageObject>`. :param float tx: The translation on X axis :param float ty: The translation on Y axis :param float rotation: The angle of the rotation, in degrees :param float scale: The scaling factor :param bool expand: Whether the page should be expanded to fit the dimensions of the page to be merged. .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :meth:`add_transformation` and :meth:`merge_page` instead. """ deprecate_with_replacement( "page.mergeRotatedScaledTranslatedPage(page2, rotation, tx, ty, expand)", "page2.add_transformation(Transformation().rotate(rotation).scale(scale)); page.merge_page(page2, expand)", ) op = Transformation().rotate(rotation).scale(scale, scale).translate(tx, ty) self.mergeTransformedPage(page2, op, expand)
[docs] def add_transformation( self, ctm: Union[Transformation, CompressedTransformationMatrix], expand: bool = False, ) -> None: """ Apply a transformation matrix to the page. :param tuple ctm: A 6-element tuple containing the operands of the transformation matrix. Alternatively, a :py:class:`Transformation<PyPDF2.Transformation>` object can be passed. See :doc:`/user/cropping-and-transforming`. """ if isinstance(ctm, Transformation): ctm = ctm.ctm content = self.get_contents() if content is not None: content = PageObject._add_transformation_matrix(content, self.pdf, ctm) content = PageObject._push_pop_gs(content, self.pdf) self[NameObject(PG.CONTENTS)] = content # if expanding the page to fit a new page, calculate the new media box size if expand: corners = [ self.mediabox.left.as_numeric(), self.mediabox.bottom.as_numeric(), self.mediabox.left.as_numeric(),, self.mediabox.right.as_numeric(),, self.mediabox.right.as_numeric(), self.mediabox.bottom.as_numeric(), ] ctm = tuple(float(x) for x in ctm) # type: ignore[assignment] new_x = [ ctm[0] * corners[i] + ctm[2] * corners[i + 1] + ctm[4] for i in range(0, 8, 2) ] new_y = [ ctm[1] * corners[i] + ctm[3] * corners[i + 1] + ctm[5] for i in range(0, 8, 2) ] lowerleft = (min(new_x), min(new_y)) upperright = (max(new_x), max(new_y)) lowerleft = (min(corners[0], lowerleft[0]), min(corners[1], lowerleft[1])) upperright = ( max(corners[2], upperright[0]), max(corners[3], upperright[1]), ) self.mediabox.lower_left = lowerleft self.mediabox.upper_right = upperright
[docs] def addTransformation( self, ctm: CompressedTransformationMatrix ) -> None: # pragma: no cover """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :meth:`add_transformation` instead. """ deprecate_with_replacement("addTransformation", "add_transformation") self.add_transformation(ctm)
[docs] def scale(self, sx: float, sy: float) -> None: """ Scale a page by the given factors by appling a transformation matrix to its content and updating the page size. :param float sx: The scaling factor on horizontal axis. :param float sy: The scaling factor on vertical axis. """ self.add_transformation((sx, 0, 0, sy, 0, 0)) self.mediabox = RectangleObject( ( float(self.mediabox.left) * sx, float(self.mediabox.bottom) * sy, float(self.mediabox.right) * sx, float( * sy, ) ) if PG.VP in self: viewport = self[PG.VP] if isinstance(viewport, ArrayObject): bbox = viewport[0]["/BBox"] else: bbox = viewport["/BBox"] # type: ignore scaled_bbox = RectangleObject( ( float(bbox[0]) * sx, float(bbox[1]) * sy, float(bbox[2]) * sx, float(bbox[3]) * sy, ) ) if isinstance(viewport, ArrayObject): self[NameObject(PG.VP)][NumberObject(0)][ # type: ignore NameObject("/BBox") ] = scaled_bbox else: self[NameObject(PG.VP)][NameObject("/BBox")] = scaled_bbox # type: ignore
[docs] def scale_by(self, factor: float) -> None: """ Scale a page by the given factor by appling a transformation matrix to its content and updating the page size. :param float factor: The scaling factor (for both X and Y axis). """ self.scale(factor, factor)
[docs] def scaleBy(self, factor: float) -> None: # pragma: no cover """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :meth:`scale_by` instead. """ deprecate_with_replacement("scaleBy", "scale_by") self.scale(factor, factor)
[docs] def scale_to(self, width: float, height: float) -> None: """ Scale a page to the specified dimentions by appling a transformation matrix to its content and updating the page size. :param float width: The new width. :param float height: The new heigth. """ sx = width / float(self.mediabox.width) sy = height / float(self.mediabox.height) self.scale(sx, sy)
[docs] def scaleTo(self, width: float, height: float) -> None: # pragma: no cover """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :meth:`scale_to` instead. """ deprecate_with_replacement("scaleTo", "scale_to") self.scale_to(width, height)
[docs] def compress_content_streams(self) -> None: """ Compress the size of this page by joining all content streams and applying a FlateDecode filter. However, it is possible that this function will perform no action if content stream compression becomes "automatic" for some reason. """ content = self.get_contents() if content is not None: if not isinstance(content, ContentStream): content = ContentStream(content, self.pdf) self[NameObject(PG.CONTENTS)] = content.flate_encode()
[docs] def compressContentStreams(self) -> None: # pragma: no cover """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :meth:`compress_content_streams` instead. """ deprecate_with_replacement("compressContentStreams", "compress_content_streams") self.compress_content_streams()
def _extract_text_old( self, Tj_sep: str = "", TJ_sep: str = "" ) -> str: # pragma: no cover """ Locate all text drawing commands, in the order they are provided in the content stream, and extract the text. This works well for some PDF files, but poorly for others, depending on the generator used. This will be refined in the future. Do not rely on the order of text coming out of this function, as it will change if this function is made more sophisticated. :return: a string object. """ text = "" content = self[PG.CONTENTS].get_object() if not isinstance(content, ContentStream): content = ContentStream(content, self.pdf) # Note: we check all strings are TextStringObjects. ByteStringObjects # are strings where the byte->string encoding was unknown, so adding # them to the text here would be gibberish. space_scale = 1.0 for operands, operator in content.operations: # Missing operators: # Tf: text font # Tfs: text font size # Tc: '5.2.1 Character Spacing' # Th: '5.2.3 Horizontal Scaling' # Tl: '5.2.4 Leading' # Tmode: '5.2.5 Text Rendering Mode' # Trise: '5.2.6 Text Rise' if operator in [b"Tf", b"Tfs", b"Tc", b"Th", b"Tl", b"Tmode"]: pass elif operator == b"Tw": # word spacing # See '5.2.2 Word Spacing' space_scale = 1.0 + float(operands[0]) elif operator == b"Tj": # See 'TABLE 5.6 Text-showing operators' _text = operands[0] if isinstance(_text, TextStringObject): text += Tj_sep text += _text text += "\n" elif operator == b"T*": # See 'TABLE 5.5 Text-positioning operators' text += "\n" elif operator == b"'": # See 'TABLE 5.6 Text-showing operators' text += "\n" _text = operands[0] if isinstance(_text, TextStringObject): text += operands[0] elif operator == b'"': # See 'TABLE 5.6 Text-showing operators' _text = operands[2] if isinstance(_text, TextStringObject): text += "\n" text += _text elif operator == b"TJ": # See 'TABLE 5.6 Text-showing operators' for i in operands[0]: if isinstance(i, TextStringObject): text += TJ_sep text += i elif isinstance(i, (NumberObject, FloatObject)): # a positive value decreases and the negative value increases # space if int(i) < -space_scale * 250: if len(text) == 0 or text[-1] != " ": text += " " else: if len(text) > 1 and text[-1] == " ": text = text[:-1] text += "\n" return text def _debug_for_extract(self) -> str: out = "" for ope, op in ContentStream( self["/Contents"].getObject(), self.pdf, "bytes" ).operations: if op == b"TJ": s = [x for x in ope[0] if isinstance(x, str)] else: s = [] out += op.decode("utf-8") + " " + "".join(s) + ope.__repr__() + "\n" out += "\n=============================\n" try: for fo in self["/Resources"]["/Font"]: # type:ignore out += fo + "\n" out += self["/Resources"]["/Font"][fo].__repr__() + "\n" # type:ignore try: enc_repr = self["/Resources"]["/Font"][fo][ # type:ignore "/Encoding" ].__repr__() out += enc_repr + "\n" except Exception: pass except KeyError: out += "No Font\n" return out def _extract_text( self, obj: Any, pdf: Any, space_width: float = 200.0, content_key: Optional[str] = PG.CONTENTS, ) -> str: """ Locate all text drawing commands, in the order they are provided in the content stream, and extract the text. This works well for some PDF files, but poorly for others, depending on the generator used. This will be refined in the future. Do not rely on the order of text coming out of this function, as it will change if this function is made more sophisticated. :param float space_width: force default space width (if not extracted from font (default 200) :param Optional[str] content_key: indicate the default key where to extract data None = the opbject; this allow to reuse the function on XObject default = "/Content" :return: a string object. """ text: str = "" output: str = "" cmaps: Dict[ str, Tuple[str, float, Union[str, Dict[int, str]], Dict[str, str]] ] = {} resources_dict = cast(DictionaryObject, obj["/Resources"]) if "/Font" in resources_dict: for f in cast(DictionaryObject, resources_dict["/Font"]): cmaps[f] = build_char_map(f, space_width, obj) cmap: Tuple[ Union[str, Dict[int, str]], Dict[str, str], str ] # (encoding,CMAP,font_name) try: content = ( obj[content_key].get_object() if isinstance(content_key, str) else obj ) if not isinstance(content, ContentStream): content = ContentStream(content, pdf, "bytes") except KeyError: # it means no content can be extracted(certainly empty page) return "" # Note: we check all strings are TextStringObjects. ByteStringObjects # are strings where the byte->string encoding was unknown, so adding # them to the text here would be gibberish. tm_matrix: List[float] = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0] tm_prev: List[float] = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0] char_scale = 1.0 space_scale = 1.0 _space_width: float = 500.0 # will be set correctly at first Tf TL = 0.0 font_size = 12.0 # init just in case of # tm_matrix: Tuple = tm_matrix, output: str = output, text: str = text, # char_scale: float = char_scale,space_scale : float = space_scale, _space_width: float = _space_width, # TL: float = TL, font_size: float = font_size, cmap = cmap def process_operation(operator: bytes, operands: List) -> None: nonlocal tm_matrix, tm_prev, output, text, char_scale, space_scale, _space_width, TL, font_size, cmap if tm_matrix[4] != 0 and tm_matrix[5] != 0: # o reuse of the tm_prev = list(tm_matrix) # Table 5.4 page 405 if operator == b"BT": tm_matrix = [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0] # tm_prev = tm_matrix output += text # based # if output != "" and output[-1]!="\n": # output += "\n" text = "" return None elif operator == b"ET": output += text text = "" # Table 5.2 page 398 elif operator == b"Tz": char_scale = float(operands[0]) / 100.0 elif operator == b"Tw": space_scale = 1.0 + float(operands[0]) elif operator == b"TL": TL = float(operands[0]) elif operator == b"Tf": if text != "": output += text # .translate(cmap) text = "" try: _space_width = cmaps[operands[0]][1] cmap = ( cmaps[operands[0]][2], cmaps[operands[0]][3], operands[0], ) # type:ignore except KeyError: # font not found _space_width = unknown_char_map[1] cmap = ( unknown_char_map[2], unknown_char_map[3], "???" + operands[0], ) try: font_size = float(operands[1]) except Exception: pass # keep previous size # Table 5.5 page 406 elif operator == b"Td": tm_matrix[5] += float(operands[1]) tm_matrix[4] += float(operands[0]) elif operator == b"Tm": tm_matrix = [ float(operands[0]), float(operands[1]), float(operands[2]), float(operands[3]), float(operands[4]), float(operands[5]), ] elif operator == b"T*": tm_matrix[5] -= TL elif operator == b"Tj": t: str = "" tt: bytes = ( encode_pdfdocencoding(operands[0]) if isinstance(operands[0], str) else operands[0] ) if isinstance(cmap[0], str): t = tt.decode(cmap[0], "surrogatepass") # apply str encoding else: # apply dict encoding t = "".join( [ cmap[0][x] if x in cmap[0] else bytes((x,)).decode() for x in tt ] ) text += "".join([cmap[1][x] if x in cmap[1] else x for x in t]) else: return None # process text changes due to positionchange: " " if tm_matrix[5] <= ( tm_prev[5] - font_size # remove scaling * sqrt(tm_matrix[2] ** 2 + tm_matrix[3] ** 2) ): # it means that we are moving down by one line output += text + "\n" # .translate(cmap) + "\n" text = "" elif tm_matrix[4] >= ( tm_prev[4] + space_scale * _space_width * char_scale ): # it means that we are moving down by one line text += " " return None # for clarity Operator in (b"g",b"G") : nothing to do # end of process_operation ###### for operands, operator in content.operations: # multiple operators are defined in here #### if operator == b"'": process_operation(b"T*", []) process_operation(b"Tj", operands) elif operator == b'"': process_operation(b"T*", []) process_operation(b"TJ", operands) elif operator == b"TD": process_operation(b"TL", [-operands[1]]) process_operation(b"Td", operands) elif operator == b"TJ": for op in operands[0]: if isinstance(op, (str, bytes)): process_operation(b"Tj", [op]) if isinstance(op, (int, float, NumberObject, FloatObject)): process_operation(b"Td", [-op, 0.0]) elif operator == b"Do": output += text if output != "": output += "\n" try: xobj = resources_dict["/XObject"] # type: ignore if xobj[operands[0]]["/Subtype"] != "/Image": # type: ignore output += text text = self.extract_xform_text(xobj[operands[0]], space_width) # type: ignore output += text except Exception: warnings.warn( f" impossible to decode XFormObject {operands[0]}", PdfReadWarning, ) finally: text = "" else: process_operation(operator, operands) output += text # just in case of return output
[docs] def extract_text( self, Tj_sep: str = "", TJ_sep: str = "", space_width: float = 200.0 ) -> str: """ Locate all text drawing commands, in the order they are provided in the content stream, and extract the text. This works well for some PDF files, but poorly for others, depending on the generator used. This will be refined in the future. Do not rely on the order of text coming out of this function, as it will change if this function is made more sophisticated. space_width : float = force default space width (if not extracted from font (default 200) :return: a string object. """ return self._extract_text(self, self.pdf, space_width, PG.CONTENTS)
[docs] def extract_xform_text( self, xform: EncodedStreamObject, space_width: float = 200.0 ) -> str: """ Extraction tet from an XObject. space_width : float = force default space width (if not extracted from font (default 200) :return: a string object. """ return self._extract_text(xform, self.pdf, space_width, None)
[docs] def extractText( self, Tj_sep: str = "", TJ_sep: str = "" ) -> str: # pragma: no cover """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :meth:`extract_text` instead. """ deprecate_with_replacement("extractText", "extract_text") return self.extract_text(Tj_sep=Tj_sep, TJ_sep=TJ_sep)
mediabox = _create_rectangle_accessor(PG.MEDIABOX, ()) """ A :class:`RectangleObject<PyPDF2.generic.RectangleObject>`, expressed in default user space units, defining the boundaries of the physical medium on which the page is intended to be displayed or printed. """ @property def mediaBox(self) -> RectangleObject: # pragma: no cover """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :py:attr:`mediabox` instead. """ deprecate_with_replacement("mediaBox", "mediabox") return self.mediabox @mediaBox.setter def mediaBox(self, value: RectangleObject) -> None: # pragma: no cover """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :py:attr:`mediabox` instead. """ deprecate_with_replacement("mediaBox", "mediabox") self.mediabox = value cropbox = _create_rectangle_accessor("/CropBox", (PG.MEDIABOX,)) """ A :class:`RectangleObject<PyPDF2.generic.RectangleObject>`, expressed in default user space units, defining the visible region of default user space. When the page is displayed or printed, its contents are to be clipped (cropped) to this rectangle and then imposed on the output medium in some implementation-defined manner. Default value: same as :attr:`mediabox<mediabox>`. """ @property def cropBox(self) -> RectangleObject: # pragma: no cover """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :py:attr:`cropbox` instead. """ deprecate_with_replacement("cropBox", "cropbox") return self.cropbox @cropBox.setter def cropBox(self, value: RectangleObject) -> None: # pragma: no cover deprecate_with_replacement("cropBox", "cropbox") self.cropbox = value bleedbox = _create_rectangle_accessor("/BleedBox", ("/CropBox", PG.MEDIABOX)) """ A :class:`RectangleObject<PyPDF2.generic.RectangleObject>`, expressed in default user space units, defining the region to which the contents of the page should be clipped when output in a production enviroment. """ @property def bleedBox(self) -> RectangleObject: # pragma: no cover """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :py:attr:`bleedbox` instead. """ deprecate_with_replacement("bleedBox", "bleedbox") return self.bleedbox @bleedBox.setter def bleedBox(self, value: RectangleObject) -> None: # pragma: no cover deprecate_with_replacement("bleedBox", "bleedbox") self.bleedbox = value trimbox = _create_rectangle_accessor("/TrimBox", ("/CropBox", PG.MEDIABOX)) """ A :class:`RectangleObject<PyPDF2.generic.RectangleObject>`, expressed in default user space units, defining the intended dimensions of the finished page after trimming. """ @property def trimBox(self) -> RectangleObject: # pragma: no cover """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :py:attr:`trimbox` instead. """ deprecate_with_replacement("trimBox", "trimbox") return self.trimbox @trimBox.setter def trimBox(self, value: RectangleObject) -> None: # pragma: no cover deprecate_with_replacement("trimBox", "trimbox") self.trimbox = value artbox = _create_rectangle_accessor("/ArtBox", ("/CropBox", PG.MEDIABOX)) """ A :class:`RectangleObject<PyPDF2.generic.RectangleObject>`, expressed in default user space units, defining the extent of the page's meaningful content as intended by the page's creator. """ @property def artBox(self) -> RectangleObject: # pragma: no cover """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :py:attr:`artbox` instead. """ deprecate_with_replacement("artBox", "artbox") return self.artbox @artBox.setter def artBox(self, value: RectangleObject) -> None: # pragma: no cover deprecate_with_replacement("artBox", "artbox") self.artbox = value
class _VirtualList: def __init__( self, length_function: Callable[[], int], get_function: Callable[[int], PageObject], ) -> None: self.length_function = length_function self.get_function = get_function self.current = -1 def __len__(self) -> int: return self.length_function() def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> PageObject: if isinstance(index, slice): indices = range(*index.indices(len(self))) cls = type(self) return cls(indices.__len__, lambda idx: self[indices[idx]]) if not isinstance(index, int): raise TypeError("sequence indices must be integers") len_self = len(self) if index < 0: # support negative indexes index = len_self + index if index < 0 or index >= len_self: raise IndexError("sequence index out of range") return self.get_function(index) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[PageObject]: for i in range(len(self)): yield self[i]