The PdfMerger Class

class PyPDF2.PdfMerger(strict: bool = False)[source]

Bases: object

Initializes a PdfMerger object. PdfMerger merges multiple PDFs into a single PDF. It can concatenate, slice, insert, or any combination of the above.

See the functions merge() (or append()) and write() for usage information.


strict (bool) – Determines whether user should be warned of all problems and also causes some correctable problems to be fatal. Defaults to False.

addBookmark(title: str, pagenum: int, parent: typing.Union[None, PyPDF2.generic.TreeObject, PyPDF2.generic.IndirectObject] = None, color: typing.Optional[typing.Tuple[float, float, float]] = None, bold: bool = False, italic: bool = False, fit: typing_extensions.Literal[/Fit, /XYZ, /FitH, /FitV, /FitR, /FitB, /FitBH, /FitBV] = '/Fit', *args: typing.Union[PyPDF2.generic.NumberObject, PyPDF2.generic.NullObject, float]) PyPDF2.generic.IndirectObject[source]

Deprecated since version 1.28.0: Use add_bookmark() instead.

addMetadata(infos: Dict[str, Any]) None[source]

Deprecated since version 1.28.0: Use add_metadata() instead.

addNamedDestination(title: str, pagenum: int) None[source]

Deprecated since version 1.28.0: Use add_named_destination() instead.

add_bookmark(title: str, pagenum: int, parent: typing.Union[None, PyPDF2.generic.TreeObject, PyPDF2.generic.IndirectObject] = None, color: typing.Optional[typing.Tuple[float, float, float]] = None, bold: bool = False, italic: bool = False, fit: typing_extensions.Literal[/Fit, /XYZ, /FitH, /FitV, /FitR, /FitB, /FitBH, /FitBV] = '/Fit', *args: typing.Union[PyPDF2.generic.NumberObject, PyPDF2.generic.NullObject, float]) PyPDF2.generic.IndirectObject[source]

Add a bookmark to this PDF file.

  • title (str) – Title to use for this bookmark.

  • pagenum (int) – Page number this bookmark will point to.

  • parent – A reference to a parent bookmark to create nested bookmarks.

  • color (tuple) – Color of the bookmark as a red, green, blue tuple from 0.0 to 1.0

  • bold (bool) – Bookmark is bold

  • italic (bool) – Bookmark is italic

  • fit (str) – The fit of the destination page. See addLink() for details.

add_metadata(infos: Dict[str, Any]) None[source]

Add custom metadata to the output.


infos (dict) – a Python dictionary where each key is a field and each value is your new metadata. Example: {u'/Title': u'My title'}

add_named_destination(title: str, pagenum: int) None[source]

Add a destination to the output.

  • title (str) – Title to use

  • pagenum (int) – Page number this destination points at.

append(fileobj: Union[str, _io.BytesIO, _io.BufferedReader, _io.BufferedWriter, _io.FileIO, PyPDF2._reader.PdfReader], bookmark: Optional[str] = None, pages: Union[None, PyPDF2.pagerange.PageRange, Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int, int]] = None, import_bookmarks: bool = True) None[source]

Identical to the merge() method, but assumes you want to concatenate all pages onto the end of the file instead of specifying a position.

  • fileobj – A File Object or an object that supports the standard read and seek methods similar to a File Object. Could also be a string representing a path to a PDF file.

  • bookmark (str) – Optionally, you may specify a bookmark to be applied at the beginning of the included file by supplying the text of the bookmark.

  • pages – can be a PageRange or a (start, stop[, step]) tuple to merge only the specified range of pages from the source document into the output document.

  • import_bookmarks (bool) – You may prevent the source document’s bookmarks from being imported by specifying this as False.

close() None[source]

Shuts all file descriptors (input and output) and clears all memory usage.

find_bookmark(bookmark: Dict[str, Any], root: Optional[List[Union[PyPDF2.generic.Destination, List[Union[PyPDF2.generic.Destination, List[PyPDF2.generic.Destination]]]]]] = None) Optional[List[int]][source]
merge(position: int, fileobj: Union[str, _io.BytesIO, _io.BufferedReader, _io.BufferedWriter, _io.FileIO, PyPDF2._reader.PdfReader], bookmark: Optional[str] = None, pages: Optional[Union[str, PyPDF2.pagerange.PageRange, Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int, int]]] = None, import_bookmarks: bool = True) None[source]

Merges the pages from the given file into the output file at the specified page number.

  • position (int) – The page number to insert this file. File will be inserted after the given number.

  • fileobj – A File Object or an object that supports the standard read and seek methods similar to a File Object. Could also be a string representing a path to a PDF file.

  • bookmark (str) – Optionally, you may specify a bookmark to be applied at the beginning of the included file by supplying the text of the bookmark.

  • pages – can be a PageRange or a (start, stop[, step]) tuple to merge only the specified range of pages from the source document into the output document.

  • import_bookmarks (bool) – You may prevent the source document’s bookmarks from being imported by specifying this as False.

setPageLayout(layout: typing_extensions.Literal[/NoLayout, /SinglePage, /OneColumn, /TwoColumnLeft, /TwoColumnRight, /TwoPageLeft, /TwoPageRight]) None[source]

Deprecated since version 1.28.0: Use set_page_layout() instead.

setPageMode(mode: typing_extensions.Literal[/UseNone, /UseOutlines, /UseThumbs, /FullScreen, /UseOC, /UseAttachments]) None[source]

Deprecated since version 1.28.0: Use set_page_mode() instead.

set_page_layout(layout: typing_extensions.Literal[/NoLayout, /SinglePage, /OneColumn, /TwoColumnLeft, /TwoColumnRight, /TwoPageLeft, /TwoPageRight]) None[source]

Set the page layout


layout (str) – The page layout to be used

Valid layout arguments


Layout explicitly not specified


Show one page at a time


Show one column at a time


Show pages in two columns, odd-numbered pages on the left


Show pages in two columns, odd-numbered pages on the right


Show two pages at a time, odd-numbered pages on the left


Show two pages at a time, odd-numbered pages on the right

set_page_mode(mode: typing_extensions.Literal[/UseNone, /UseOutlines, /UseThumbs, /FullScreen, /UseOC, /UseAttachments]) None[source]

Set the page mode.


mode (str) – The page mode to use.

Valid mode arguments


Do not show outlines or thumbnails panels


Show outlines (aka bookmarks) panel


Show page thumbnails panel


Fullscreen view


Show Optional Content Group (OCG) panel


Show attachments panel

write(fileobj: Union[str, _io.BytesIO, _io.BufferedReader, _io.BufferedWriter, _io.FileIO]) None[source]

Writes all data that has been merged to the given output file.


fileobj – Output file. Can be a filename or any kind of file-like object.