Source code for PyPDF2._writer

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2006, Mathieu Fenniak
# Copyright (c) 2007, Ashish Kulkarni <>
# All rights reserved.
# Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
# modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
# met:
# * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
# * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice,
# this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation
# and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
# * The name of the author may not be used to endorse or promote products
# derived from this software without specific prior written permission.

import codecs
import logging
import struct
import uuid
import warnings
from hashlib import md5

from PyPDF2._page import PageObject
from PyPDF2._security import _alg33, _alg34, _alg35
from PyPDF2._utils import DEPR_MSG, _isString, _VirtualList, b_, u_
from PyPDF2.constants import CatalogAttributes as CA
from PyPDF2.constants import Core as CO
from PyPDF2.constants import EncryptionDictAttributes as ED
from PyPDF2.constants import PageAttributes as PG
from PyPDF2.constants import PagesAttributes as PA
from PyPDF2.constants import StreamAttributes as SA
from PyPDF2.constants import TrailerKeys as TK
from PyPDF2.generic import (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class PdfWriter(object): """ This class supports writing PDF files out, given pages produced by another class (typically :class:`PdfReader<PdfReader>`). """ def __init__(self): self._header = b_("%PDF-1.3") self._objects = [] # array of indirect objects # The root of our page tree node. pages = DictionaryObject() pages.update( { NameObject(PA.TYPE): NameObject("/Pages"), NameObject(PA.COUNT): NumberObject(0), NameObject(PA.KIDS): ArrayObject(), } ) self._pages = self._add_object(pages) # info object info = DictionaryObject() info.update( { NameObject("/Producer"): createStringObject( codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE + u_("PyPDF2").encode("utf-16be") ) } ) self._info = self._add_object(info) # root object root = DictionaryObject() root.update( { NameObject(PA.TYPE): NameObject(CO.CATALOG), NameObject(CO.PAGES): self._pages, } ) self._root = None self._root_object = root self.set_need_appearances_writer() def _add_object(self, obj): self._objects.append(obj) return IndirectObject(len(self._objects), 0, self)
[docs] def get_object(self, ido): if ido.pdf != self: raise ValueError("pdf must be self") return self._objects[ido.idnum - 1] # type: ignore
[docs] def getObject(self, ido): """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :meth:`get_object` instead. """ warnings.warn( DEPR_MSG.format("getObject()", "get_object()"), PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self.get_object(ido)
def _add_page(self, page, action): assert page[PA.TYPE] == CO.PAGE page[NameObject(PA.PARENT)] = self._pages page = self._add_object(page) pages = self.get_object(self._pages) action(pages[PA.KIDS], page) pages[NameObject(PA.COUNT)] = NumberObject(pages[PA.COUNT] + 1)
[docs] def set_need_appearances_writer(self): # See 12.7.2 and 7.7.2 for more information: # try: catalog = self._root_object # get the AcroForm tree if "/AcroForm" not in catalog: self._root_object.update( { NameObject("/AcroForm"): IndirectObject( len(self._objects), 0, self ) } ) need_appearances = NameObject("/NeedAppearances") self._root_object["/AcroForm"][need_appearances] = BooleanObject(True) # type: ignore except Exception as exc: logger.error("set_need_appearances_writer() catch : ", repr(exc))
[docs] def add_page(self, page): """ Add a page to this PDF file. The page is usually acquired from a :class:`PdfReader<PdfReader>` instance. :param PageObject page: The page to add to the document. Should be an instance of :class:`PageObject<PyPDF2._page.PageObject>` """ self._add_page(page, list.append)
[docs] def addPage(self, page): """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :meth:`add_page` instead. """ warnings.warn( DEPR_MSG.format("addPage()", "add_page()"), PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) self.add_page(page)
[docs] def insert_page(self, page, index=0): """ Insert a page in this PDF file. The page is usually acquired from a :class:`PdfReader<PdfReader>` instance. :param PageObject page: The page to add to the document. This argument should be an instance of :class:`PageObject<PyPDF2._page.PageObject>`. :param int index: Position at which the page will be inserted. """ self._add_page(page, lambda l, p: l.insert(index, p))
[docs] def insertPage(self, page, index=0): """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :meth:`insert_page` instead. """ warnings.warn( DEPR_MSG.format("insertPage()", "insert_page()"), PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) self.insert_page(page, index)
[docs] def get_page(self, page_number): """ Retrieve a page by number from this PDF file. :param int pageNumber: The page number to retrieve (pages begin at zero) :return: the page at the index given by *pageNumber* :rtype: :class:`PageObject<PyPDF2._page.PageObject>` """ pages = self.get_object(self._pages) # XXX: crude hack return pages[PA.KIDS][page_number].get_object()
[docs] def getPage(self, pageNumber): """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :code:`writer.pages[page_number]` instead. """ warnings.warn( DEPR_MSG.format("getPage()", "writer.pages[page_number]"), PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self.get_page(pageNumber)
def _get_num_pages( self, ): # consistency with reader: should be possible to use the same """ :return: the number of pages. :rtype: int """ pages = self.get_object(self._pages) return int(pages[NameObject("/Count")])
[docs] def getNumPages(self): """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :code:`len(writer.pages)` instead. """ warnings.warn( DEPR_MSG.format("getNumPages()", "len(writer.pages)"), PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self._get_num_pages()
@property def pages(self): """ Property that emulates a list of :class:`PageObject<PyPDF2._page.PageObject>` """ return _VirtualList(self._get_num_pages, self.get_page)
[docs] def add_blank_page(self, width=None, height=None): """ Append a blank page to this PDF file and returns it. If no page size is specified, use the size of the last page. :param float width: The width of the new page expressed in default user space units. :param float height: The height of the new page expressed in default user space units. :return: the newly appended page :rtype: :class:`PageObject<PyPDF2._page.PageObject>` :raises PageSizeNotDefinedError: if width and height are not defined and previous page does not exist. """ page = PageObject.create_blank_page(self, width, height) self.add_page(page) return page
[docs] def addBlankPage(self, width=None, height=None): """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :meth:`add_blank_page` instead. """ warnings.warn( DEPR_MSG.format("addBlankPage", "add_blank_page"), PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self.add_blank_page(width, height)
[docs] def insert_blank_page(self, width=None, height=None, index=0): """ Insert a blank page to this PDF file and returns it. If no page size is specified, use the size of the last page. :param float width: The width of the new page expressed in default user space units. :param float height: The height of the new page expressed in default user space units. :param int index: Position to add the page. :return: the newly appended page :rtype: :class:`PageObject<PyPDF2._page.PageObject>` :raises PageSizeNotDefinedError: if width and height are not defined and previous page does not exist. """ if width is None or height is None and (self._get_num_pages() - 1) >= index: oldpage = self.get_page(index) width = oldpage.mediabox.width height = oldpage.mediabox.height page = PageObject.create_blank_page(self, width, height) self.insert_page(page, index) return page
[docs] def insertBlankPage(self, width=None, height=None, index=0): """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :meth:`insertBlankPage` instead. """ warnings.warn( DEPR_MSG.format("insertBlankPage", "insert_blank_page"), PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self.insert_blank_page(width, height, index)
[docs] def add_js(self, javascript): """ Add Javascript which will launch upon opening this PDF. :param str javascript: Your Javascript. >>> output.add_js("this.print({bUI:true,bSilent:false,bShrinkToFit:true});") # Example: This will launch the print window when the PDF is opened. """ js = DictionaryObject() js.update( { NameObject(PA.TYPE): NameObject("/Action"), NameObject("/S"): NameObject("/JavaScript"), NameObject("/JS"): NameObject("(%s)" % javascript), } ) js_indirect_object = self._add_object(js) # We need a name for parameterized javascript in the pdf file, but it can be anything. js_string_name = str(uuid.uuid4()) js_name_tree = DictionaryObject() js_name_tree.update( { NameObject("/JavaScript"): DictionaryObject( { NameObject(CA.NAMES): ArrayObject( [createStringObject(js_string_name), js_indirect_object] ) } ) } ) self._add_object(js_name_tree) self._root_object.update( { NameObject("/OpenAction"): js_indirect_object, NameObject(CA.NAMES): js_name_tree, } )
[docs] def addJS(self, javascript): """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :meth:`add_js` instead. """ warnings.warn( DEPR_MSG.format("addJS", "add_js"), PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2 ) return self.add_js(javascript)
[docs] def add_attachment(self, filename, data): """ Embed a file inside the PDF. :param str filename: The filename to display. :param str data: The data in the file. Reference: Section 7.11.3 """ # We need three entries: # * The file's data # * The /Filespec entry # * The file's name, which goes in the Catalog # The entry for the file """ Sample: 8 0 obj << /Length 12 /Type /EmbeddedFile >> stream Hello world! endstream endobj """ file_entry = DecodedStreamObject() file_entry.setData(data) file_entry.update({NameObject(PA.TYPE): NameObject("/EmbeddedFile")}) # The Filespec entry """ Sample: 7 0 obj << /Type /Filespec /F (hello.txt) /EF << /F 8 0 R >> >> """ ef_entry = DictionaryObject() ef_entry.update({NameObject("/F"): file_entry}) filespec = DictionaryObject() filespec.update( { NameObject(PA.TYPE): NameObject("/Filespec"), NameObject("/F"): createStringObject( filename ), # Perhaps also try TextStringObject NameObject("/EF"): ef_entry, } ) # Then create the entry for the root, as it needs a reference to the Filespec """ Sample: 1 0 obj << /Type /Catalog /Outlines 2 0 R /Pages 3 0 R /Names << /EmbeddedFiles << /Names [(hello.txt) 7 0 R] >> >> >> endobj """ embeddedFilesNamesDictionary = DictionaryObject() embeddedFilesNamesDictionary.update( { NameObject(CA.NAMES): ArrayObject( [createStringObject(filename), filespec] ) } ) embeddedFilesDictionary = DictionaryObject() embeddedFilesDictionary.update( {NameObject("/EmbeddedFiles"): embeddedFilesNamesDictionary} ) # Update the root self._root_object.update({NameObject(CA.NAMES): embeddedFilesDictionary})
[docs] def addAttachment(self, fname, fdata): """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :meth:`add_attachment` instead. """ warnings.warn( DEPR_MSG.format( "addAttachment(fname, fdata)", "add_attachment(filename, data)" ), ) return self.add_attachment(fname, fdata)
[docs] def append_pages_from_reader(self, reader, after_page_append=None): """ Copy pages from reader to writer. Includes an optional callback parameter which is invoked after pages are appended to the writer. :param reader: a PdfReader object from which to copy page annotations to this writer object. The writer's annots will then be updated :callback after_page_append (function): Callback function that is invoked after each page is appended to the writer. Callback signature: :param writer_pageref (PDF page reference): Reference to the page appended to the writer. """ # Get page count from writer and reader reader_num_pages = len(reader.pages) writer_num_pages = len(self.pages) # Copy pages from reader to writer for rpagenum in range(0, reader_num_pages): reader_page = reader.pages[rpagenum] self.add_page(reader_page) writer_page = self.get_page(writer_num_pages + rpagenum) # Trigger callback, pass writer page as parameter if callable(after_page_append): after_page_append(writer_page)
[docs] def appendPagesFromReader(self, reader, after_page_append=None): """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :meth:`append_pages_from_reader` instead. """ warnings.warn( DEPR_MSG.format("appendPagesFromReader", "append_pages_from_reader"), PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) self.append_pages_from_reader(reader, after_page_append)
[docs] def update_page_form_field_values(self, page, fields, flags=0): """ Update the form field values for a given page from a fields dictionary. Copy field texts and values from fields to page. If the field links to a parent object, add the information to the parent. :param page: Page reference from PDF writer where the annotations and field data will be updated. :param fields: a Python dictionary of field names (/T) and text values (/V) :param flags: An integer (0 to 7). The first bit sets ReadOnly, the second bit sets Required, the third bit sets NoExport. See PDF Reference Table 8.70 for details. """ # Iterate through pages, update field values for j in range(len(page[PG.ANNOTS])): # type: ignore writer_annot = page[PG.ANNOTS][j].get_object() # type: ignore # retrieve parent field values, if present writer_parent_annot = {} # fallback if it's not there if PG.PARENT in writer_annot: writer_parent_annot = writer_annot[PG.PARENT] for field in fields: if writer_annot.get("/T") == field: writer_annot.update( {NameObject("/V"): TextStringObject(fields[field])} ) if flags: writer_annot.update({NameObject("/Ff"): NumberObject(flags)}) elif writer_parent_annot.get("/T") == field: writer_parent_annot.update( {NameObject("/V"): TextStringObject(fields[field])} )
[docs] def updatePageFormFieldValues(self, page, fields, flags=0): """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :meth:`update_page_form_field_values` instead. """ warnings.warn( DEPR_MSG.format( "updatePageFormFieldValues", "update_page_form_field_values" ), PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self.update_page_form_field_values(page, fields, flags)
[docs] def clone_reader_document_root(self, reader): """ Copy the reader document root to the writer. :param reader: PdfReader from the document root should be copied. :callback after_page_append: """ self._root_object = reader.trailer[TK.ROOT]
[docs] def cloneReaderDocumentRoot(self, reader): """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :meth:`clone_reader_document_root` instead. """ warnings.warn( DEPR_MSG.format("cloneReaderDocumentRoot", "clone_reader_document_root"), PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) self.clone_reader_document_root(reader)
[docs] def clone_document_from_reader(self, reader, after_page_append=None): """ Create a copy (clone) of a document from a PDF file reader :param reader: PDF file reader instance from which the clone should be created. :callback after_page_append (function): Callback function that is invoked after each page is appended to the writer. Signature includes a reference to the appended page (delegates to appendPagesFromReader). Callback signature: :param writer_pageref (PDF page reference): Reference to the page just appended to the document. """ self.clone_reader_document_root(reader) self.append_pages_from_reader(reader, after_page_append)
[docs] def cloneDocumentFromReader(self, reader, after_page_append=None): """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :meth:`clone_document_from_reader` instead. """ warnings.warn( DEPR_MSG.format("cloneDocumentFromReader", "clone_document_from_reader"), PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) self.clone_document_from_reader(reader, after_page_append)
[docs] def encrypt(self, user_pwd, owner_pwd=None, use_128bit=True, permissions_flag=-1): """ Encrypt this PDF file with the PDF Standard encryption handler. :param str user_pwd: The "user password", which allows for opening and reading the PDF file with the restrictions provided. :param str owner_pwd: The "owner password", which allows for opening the PDF files without any restrictions. By default, the owner password is the same as the user password. :param bool use_128bit: flag as to whether to use 128bit encryption. When false, 40bit encryption will be used. By default, this flag is on. :param unsigned int permissions_flag: permissions as described in TABLE 3.20 of the PDF 1.7 specification. A bit value of 1 means the permission is grantend. Hence an integer value of -1 will set all flags. Bit position 3 is for printing, 4 is for modifying content, 5 and 6 control annotations, 9 for form fields, 10 for extraction of text and graphics. """ import random import time if owner_pwd is None: owner_pwd = user_pwd if use_128bit: V = 2 rev = 3 keylen = int(128 / 8) else: V = 1 rev = 2 keylen = int(40 / 8) P = permissions_flag O = ByteStringObject(_alg33(owner_pwd, user_pwd, rev, keylen)) ID_1 = ByteStringObject(md5(b_(repr(time.time()))).digest()) ID_2 = ByteStringObject(md5(b_(repr(random.random()))).digest()) self._ID = ArrayObject((ID_1, ID_2)) if rev == 2: U, key = _alg34(user_pwd, O, P, ID_1) else: assert rev == 3 U, key = _alg35(user_pwd, rev, keylen, O, P, ID_1, False) encrypt = DictionaryObject() encrypt[NameObject(SA.FILTER)] = NameObject("/Standard") encrypt[NameObject("/V")] = NumberObject(V) if V == 2: encrypt[NameObject(SA.LENGTH)] = NumberObject(keylen * 8) encrypt[NameObject(ED.R)] = NumberObject(rev) encrypt[NameObject(ED.O)] = ByteStringObject(O) encrypt[NameObject(ED.U)] = ByteStringObject(U) encrypt[NameObject(ED.P)] = NumberObject(P) self._encrypt = self._add_object(encrypt) self._encrypt_key = key
[docs] def write(self, stream): """ Write the collection of pages added to this object out as a PDF file. :param stream: An object to write the file to. The object must support the write method and the tell method, similar to a file object. """ if hasattr(stream, "mode") and "b" not in stream.mode: warnings.warn( "File <%s> to write to is not in binary mode. It may not be written to correctly." % ) if not self._root: self._root = self._add_object(self._root_object) external_reference_map = {} # PDF objects sometimes have circular references to their /Page objects # inside their object tree (for example, annotations). Those will be # indirect references to objects that we've recreated in this PDF. To # address this problem, PageObject's store their original object # reference number, and we add it to the external reference map before # we sweep for indirect references. This forces self-page-referencing # trees to reference the correct new object location, rather than # copying in a new copy of the page object. for obj_index in range(len(self._objects)): obj = self._objects[obj_index] if isinstance(obj, PageObject) and obj.indirectRef is not None: data = obj.indirectRef if data.pdf not in external_reference_map: external_reference_map[data.pdf] = {} if data.generation not in external_reference_map[data.pdf]: external_reference_map[data.pdf][data.generation] = {} external_reference_map[data.pdf][data.generation][ data.idnum ] = IndirectObject(obj_index + 1, 0, self) self.stack = [] self._sweep_indirect_references(external_reference_map, self._root) del self.stack object_positions = self._write_header(stream) xref_location = self._write_xref_table(stream, object_positions) self._write_trailer(stream) stream.write(b_("\nstartxref\n%s\n%%%%EOF\n" % (xref_location))) # eof
def _write_header(self, stream): object_positions = [] stream.write(self._header + b_("\n")) stream.write(b_("%\xE2\xE3\xCF\xD3\n")) for i in range(len(self._objects)): obj = self._objects[i] # If the obj is None we can't write anything if obj is not None: idnum = i + 1 object_positions.append(stream.tell()) stream.write(b_(str(idnum) + " 0 obj\n")) key = None if hasattr(self, "_encrypt") and idnum != self._encrypt.idnum: pack1 = struct.pack("<i", i + 1)[:3] pack2 = struct.pack("<i", 0)[:2] key = self._encrypt_key + pack1 + pack2 assert len(key) == (len(self._encrypt_key) + 5) md5_hash = md5(key).digest() key = md5_hash[: min(16, len(self._encrypt_key) + 5)] obj.write_to_stream(stream, key) stream.write(b_("\nendobj\n")) return object_positions def _write_xref_table(self, stream, object_positions): xref_location = stream.tell() stream.write(b_("xref\n")) stream.write(b_("0 %s\n" % (len(self._objects) + 1))) stream.write(b_("%010d %05d f \n" % (0, 65535))) for offset in object_positions: stream.write(b_("%010d %05d n \n" % (offset, 0))) return xref_location def _write_trailer(self, stream): stream.write(b_("trailer\n")) trailer = DictionaryObject() trailer.update( { NameObject(TK.SIZE): NumberObject(len(self._objects) + 1), NameObject(TK.ROOT): self._root, NameObject(TK.INFO): self._info, } ) if hasattr(self, "_ID"): trailer[NameObject(TK.ID)] = self._ID if hasattr(self, "_encrypt"): trailer[NameObject(TK.ENCRYPT)] = self._encrypt trailer.write_to_stream(stream, None)
[docs] def add_metadata(self, infos): """ Add custom metadata to the output. :param dict infos: a Python dictionary where each key is a field and each value is your new metadata. """ args = {} for key, value in list(infos.items()): args[NameObject(key)] = createStringObject(value) self.get_object(self._info).update(args)
[docs] def addMetadata(self, infos): """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :meth:`add_metadata` instead. """ warnings.warn( DEPR_MSG.format("addMetadata", "add_metadata"), ) self.add_metadata(infos)
def _sweep_indirect_references(self, extern_map, data): if isinstance(data, DictionaryObject): for key, value in list(data.items()): value = self._sweep_indirect_references(extern_map, value) if isinstance(value, StreamObject): # a dictionary value is a stream. streams must be indirect # objects, so we need to change this value. value = self._add_object(value) data[key] = value return data elif isinstance(data, ArrayObject): for i in range(len(data)): value = self._sweep_indirect_references(extern_map, data[i]) if isinstance(value, StreamObject): # an array value is a stream. streams must be indirect # objects, so we need to change this value value = self._add_object(value) data[i] = value return data elif isinstance(data, IndirectObject): # internal indirect references are fine if data.pdf == self: if data.idnum in self.stack: return data else: self.stack.append(data.idnum) realdata = self.get_object(data) self._sweep_indirect_references(extern_map, realdata) return data else: if hasattr(data.pdf, "stream") and raise ValueError( "I/O operation on closed file: {}".format( ) newobj = ( extern_map.get(data.pdf, {}) .get(data.generation, {}) .get(data.idnum, None) ) if newobj is None: try: newobj = data.pdf.get_object(data) self._objects.append(None) # placeholder idnum = len(self._objects) newobj_ido = IndirectObject(idnum, 0, self) if data.pdf not in extern_map: extern_map[data.pdf] = {} if data.generation not in extern_map[data.pdf]: extern_map[data.pdf][data.generation] = {} extern_map[data.pdf][data.generation][data.idnum] = newobj_ido newobj = self._sweep_indirect_references(extern_map, newobj) self._objects[idnum - 1] = newobj return newobj_ido except (ValueError, RecursionError): # Unable to resolve the Object, returning NullObject instead. warnings.warn( "Unable to resolve [{}: {}], returning NullObject instead".format( data.__class__.__name__, data ) ) return NullObject() return newobj else: return data
[docs] def get_reference(self, obj): idnum = self._objects.index(obj) + 1 ref = IndirectObject(idnum, 0, self) assert ref.get_object() == obj return ref
[docs] def getReference(self, obj): """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :meth:`get_reference` instead. """ warnings.warn( DEPR_MSG.format("getReference", "get_reference"), PendingDeprecationWarning ) return self.get_reference(obj)
[docs] def get_outline_root(self): if CO.OUTLINES in self._root_object: # TABLE 3.25 Entries in the catalog dictionary outline = self._root_object[CO.OUTLINES] idnum = self._objects.index(outline) + 1 outline_ref = IndirectObject(idnum, 0, self) assert outline_ref.get_object() == outline else: outline = TreeObject() outline.update({}) outline_ref = self._add_object(outline) self._root_object[NameObject(CO.OUTLINES)] = outline_ref return outline
[docs] def getOutlineRoot(self): """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :meth:`get_outline_root` instead. """ warnings.warn( DEPR_MSG.format("getOutlineRoot", "get_outline_root"), PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self.get_outline_root()
[docs] def get_named_dest_root(self): if CA.NAMES in self._root_object and isinstance( self._root_object[CA.NAMES], DictionaryObject ): names = self._root_object[CA.NAMES] idnum = self._objects.index(names) + 1 names_ref = IndirectObject(idnum, 0, self) assert names_ref.get_object() == names if CA.DESTS in names and isinstance(names[CA.DESTS], DictionaryObject): # 3.6.3 Name Dictionary (PDF spec 1.7) dests = names[CA.DESTS] idnum = self._objects.index(dests) + 1 dests_ref = IndirectObject(idnum, 0, self) assert dests_ref.get_object() == dests if CA.NAMES in dests: # TABLE 3.33 Entries in a name tree node dictionary nd = dests[CA.NAMES] else: nd = ArrayObject() dests[NameObject(CA.NAMES)] = nd else: dests = DictionaryObject() dests_ref = self._add_object(dests) names[NameObject(CA.DESTS)] = dests_ref nd = ArrayObject() dests[NameObject(CA.NAMES)] = nd else: names = DictionaryObject() names_ref = self._add_object(names) self._root_object[NameObject(CA.NAMES)] = names_ref dests = DictionaryObject() dests_ref = self._add_object(dests) names[NameObject(CA.DESTS)] = dests_ref nd = ArrayObject() dests[NameObject(CA.NAMES)] = nd return nd
[docs] def getNamedDestRoot(self): """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :meth:`get_named_dest_root` instead. """ warnings.warn( DEPR_MSG.format("getNamedDestRoot", "get_named_dest_root"), PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self.get_named_dest_root()
[docs] def add_bookmark_destination(self, dest, parent=None): dest_ref = self._add_object(dest) outline_ref = self.get_outline_root() if parent is None: parent = outline_ref parent = parent.get_object() parent.add_child(dest_ref, self) return dest_ref
[docs] def addBookmarkDestination(self, dest, parent=None): """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :meth:`add_bookmark_destination` instead. """ warnings.warn( DEPR_MSG.format("addBookmarkDestination", "add_bookmark_destination"), ) return self.add_bookmark_destination(dest, parent)
[docs] def add_bookmark_dict(self, bookmark, parent=None): bookmark_obj = TreeObject() for k, v in list(bookmark.items()): bookmark_obj[NameObject(str(k))] = v bookmark_obj.update(bookmark) if "/A" in bookmark: action = DictionaryObject() for k, v in list(bookmark["/A"].items()): action[NameObject(str(k))] = v action_ref = self._add_object(action) bookmark_obj[NameObject("/A")] = action_ref bookmark_ref = self._add_object(bookmark_obj) outline_ref = self.get_outline_root() if parent is None: parent = outline_ref parent = parent.get_object() parent.add_child(bookmark_ref, self) return bookmark_ref
[docs] def addBookmarkDict(self, bookmark, parent=None): """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :meth:`add_bookmark_dict` instead. """ warnings.warn( DEPR_MSG.format("addBookmarkDict", "add_bookmark_dict"), ) return self.add_bookmark_dict(bookmark, parent)
[docs] def add_bookmark( self, title, pagenum, parent=None, color=None, bold=False, italic=False, fit="/Fit", *args ): """ Add a bookmark to this PDF file. :param str title: Title to use for this bookmark. :param int pagenum: Page number this bookmark will point to. :param parent: A reference to a parent bookmark to create nested bookmarks. :param tuple color: Color of the bookmark as a red, green, blue tuple from 0.0 to 1.0 :param bool bold: Bookmark is bold :param bool italic: Bookmark is italic :param str fit: The fit of the destination page. See :meth:`addLink()<addLink>` for details. """ page_ref = self.get_object(self._pages)[PA.KIDS][pagenum] action = DictionaryObject() zoom_args = [] for a in args: if a is not None: zoom_args.append(NumberObject(a)) else: zoom_args.append(NullObject()) dest = Destination( NameObject("/" + title + " bookmark"), page_ref, NameObject(fit), *zoom_args ) dest_array = dest.dest_array action.update( {NameObject("/D"): dest_array, NameObject("/S"): NameObject("/GoTo")} ) action_ref = self._add_object(action) outline_ref = self.get_outline_root() if parent is None: parent = outline_ref bookmark = TreeObject() bookmark.update( { NameObject("/A"): action_ref, NameObject("/Title"): createStringObject(title), } ) if color is not None: bookmark.update( {NameObject("/C"): ArrayObject([FloatObject(c) for c in color])} ) format = 0 if italic: format += 1 if bold: format += 2 if format: bookmark.update({NameObject("/F"): NumberObject(format)}) bookmark_ref = self._add_object(bookmark) parent = parent.get_object() parent.add_child(bookmark_ref, self) return bookmark_ref
[docs] def addBookmark( self, title, pagenum, parent=None, color=None, bold=False, italic=False, fit="/Fit", *args ): """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :meth:`add_bookmark` instead. """ warnings.warn( DEPR_MSG.format("addBookmark", "add_bookmark"), PendingDeprecationWarning ) return self.add_bookmark( title, pagenum, parent, color, bold, italic, fit, *args )
[docs] def add_named_destination_object(self, dest): dest_ref = self._add_object(dest) nd = self.get_named_dest_root() nd.extend([dest["/Title"], dest_ref]) return dest_ref
[docs] def addNamedDestinationObject(self, dest): """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :meth:`add_named_destination_object` instead. """ warnings.warn( DEPR_MSG.format( "addNamedDestinationObject", "add_named_destination_object" ), ) return self.add_named_destination_object(dest)
[docs] def add_named_destination(self, title, pagenum): page_ref = self.get_object(self._pages)[PA.KIDS][pagenum] dest = DictionaryObject() dest.update( { NameObject("/D"): ArrayObject( [page_ref, NameObject("/FitH"), NumberObject(826)] ), NameObject("/S"): NameObject("/GoTo"), } ) dest_ref = self._add_object(dest) nd = self.get_named_dest_root() nd.extend([title, dest_ref]) return dest_ref
[docs] def addNamedDestination(self, title, pagenum): """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :meth:`add_named_destination` instead. """ warnings.warn( DEPR_MSG.format("addNamedDestination", "add_named_destination"), ) return self.add_named_destination(title, pagenum)
[docs] def remove_images(self, ignore_byte_string_object=False): """ Remove images from this output. :param bool ignoreByteStringObject: optional parameter to ignore ByteString Objects. """ pages = self.get_object(self._pages)[PA.KIDS] jump_operators = [ b_("cm"), b_("w"), b_("J"), b_("j"), b_("M"), b_("d"), b_("ri"), b_("i"), b_("gs"), b_("W"), b_("b"), b_("s"), b_("S"), b_("f"), b_("F"), b_("n"), b_("m"), b_("l"), b_("c"), b_("v"), b_("y"), b_("h"), b_("B"), b_("Do"), b_("sh"), ] for j in range(len(pages)): page = pages[j] page_ref = self.get_object(page) content = page_ref["/Contents"].get_object() if not isinstance(content, ContentStream): content = ContentStream(content, page_ref) _operations = [] seq_graphics = False for operands, operator in content.operations: if operator in [b_("Tj"), b_("'")]: text = operands[0] if ignore_byte_string_object: if not isinstance(text, TextStringObject): operands[0] = TextStringObject() elif operator == b_('"'): text = operands[2] if ignore_byte_string_object and not isinstance( text, TextStringObject ): operands[2] = TextStringObject() elif operator == b_("TJ"): for i in range(len(operands[0])): if ignore_byte_string_object and not isinstance( operands[0][i], TextStringObject ): operands[0][i] = TextStringObject() if operator == b_("q"): seq_graphics = True if operator == b_("Q"): seq_graphics = False if seq_graphics and operator in jump_operators: continue if operator == b_("re"): continue _operations.append((operands, operator)) content.operations = _operations page_ref.__setitem__(NameObject("/Contents"), content)
[docs] def removeImages(self, ignoreByteStringObject=False): """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :meth:`remove_images` instead. """ warnings.warn( DEPR_MSG.format( "removeImages(ignoreByteStringObject=False)", "remove_images(ignore_byte_string_object=False)", ), ) return self.remove_images(ignoreByteStringObject)
[docs] def remove_text(self, ignore_byte_string_object=False): """ Remove text from this output. :param bool ignoreByteStringObject: optional parameter to ignore ByteString Objects. """ pages = self.get_object(self._pages)[PA.KIDS] for j in range(len(pages)): page = pages[j] page_ref = self.get_object(page) content = page_ref["/Contents"].get_object() if not isinstance(content, ContentStream): content = ContentStream(content, page_ref) for operands, operator in content.operations: if operator in [b_("Tj"), b_("'")]: text = operands[0] if not ignore_byte_string_object: if isinstance(text, TextStringObject): operands[0] = TextStringObject() else: if isinstance(text, (TextStringObject, ByteStringObject)): operands[0] = TextStringObject() elif operator == b_('"'): text = operands[2] if not ignore_byte_string_object: if isinstance(text, TextStringObject): operands[2] = TextStringObject() else: if isinstance(text, (TextStringObject, ByteStringObject)): operands[2] = TextStringObject() elif operator == b_("TJ"): for i in range(len(operands[0])): if not ignore_byte_string_object: if isinstance(operands[0][i], TextStringObject): operands[0][i] = TextStringObject() else: if isinstance( operands[0][i], (TextStringObject, ByteStringObject) ): operands[0][i] = TextStringObject() page_ref.__setitem__(NameObject("/Contents"), content)
[docs] def removeText(self, ignoreByteStringObject=False): """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :meth:`remove_text` instead. """ warnings.warn( DEPR_MSG.format( "removeText(ignoreByteStringObject=False)", "remove_text(ignore_byte_string_object=False)", ), ) return self.remove_text(ignoreByteStringObject)
[docs] def add_uri(self, pagenum, uri, rect, border=None): """ Add an URI from a rectangular area to the specified page. This uses the basic structure of AddLink :param int pagenum: index of the page on which to place the URI action. :param int uri: string -- uri of resource to link to. :param rect: :class:`RectangleObject<PyPDF2.generic.RectangleObject>` or array of four integers specifying the clickable rectangular area ``[xLL, yLL, xUR, yUR]``, or string in the form ``"[ xLL yLL xUR yUR ]"``. :param border: if provided, an array describing border-drawing properties. See the PDF spec for details. No border will be drawn if this argument is omitted. REMOVED FIT/ZOOM ARG -John Mulligan """ page_link = self.get_object(self._pages)[PA.KIDS][pagenum] page_ref = self.get_object(page_link) if border is not None: border_arr = [NameObject(n) for n in border[:3]] if len(border) == 4: dash_pattern = ArrayObject([NameObject(n) for n in border[3]]) border_arr.append(dash_pattern) else: border_arr = [NumberObject(2)] * 3 if _isString(rect): rect = NameObject(rect) elif isinstance(rect, RectangleObject): pass else: rect = RectangleObject(rect) lnk2 = DictionaryObject() lnk2.update( { NameObject("/S"): NameObject("/URI"), NameObject("/URI"): TextStringObject(uri), } ) lnk = DictionaryObject() lnk.update( { NameObject("/Type"): NameObject(PG.ANNOTS), NameObject("/Subtype"): NameObject("/Link"), NameObject("/P"): page_link, NameObject("/Rect"): rect, NameObject("/H"): NameObject("/I"), NameObject("/Border"): ArrayObject(border_arr), NameObject("/A"): lnk2, } ) lnk_ref = self._add_object(lnk) if PG.ANNOTS in page_ref: page_ref[PG.ANNOTS].append(lnk_ref) else: page_ref[NameObject(PG.ANNOTS)] = ArrayObject([lnk_ref])
[docs] def addURI(self, pagenum, uri, rect, border=None): """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :meth:`add_uri` instead. """ warnings.warn( DEPR_MSG.format("addURI", "add_uri"), ) return self.add_uri(pagenum, uri, rect, border)
_valid_layouts = [ "/NoLayout", "/SinglePage", "/OneColumn", "/TwoColumnLeft", "/TwoColumnRight", "/TwoPageLeft", "/TwoPageRight", ] def _get_page_layout(self): """ Get the page layout. See :meth:`setPageLayout()<PdfWriter.setPageLayout>` for a description of valid layouts. :return: Page layout currently being used. :rtype: str, None if not specified """ try: return self._root_object["/PageLayout"] except KeyError: return None
[docs] def getPageLayout(self): """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :py:attr:`page_layout` instead. """ warnings.warn( "getPageLayout() will be removed in PyPDF2 2.0.0. " "Use the page_layout attribute instead.", PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self._get_page_layout()
def _set_page_layout(self, layout): """ Set the page layout. :param str layout: The page layout to be used. .. list-table:: Valid ``layout`` arguments :widths: 50 200 * - /NoLayout - Layout explicitly not specified * - /SinglePage - Show one page at a time * - /OneColumn - Show one column at a time * - /TwoColumnLeft - Show pages in two columns, odd-numbered pages on the left * - /TwoColumnRight - Show pages in two columns, odd-numbered pages on the right * - /TwoPageLeft - Show two pages at a time, odd-numbered pages on the left * - /TwoPageRight - Show two pages at a time, odd-numbered pages on the right """ if not isinstance(layout, NameObject): if layout not in self._valid_layouts: warnings.warn( "Layout should be one of: {}".format(", ".join(self._valid_layouts)) ) layout = NameObject(layout) self._root_object.update({NameObject("/PageLayout"): layout})
[docs] def setPageLayout(self, layout): """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :py:attr:`page_layout` instead. """ warnings.warn( "setPageLayout() will be removed in PyPDF2 2.0.0. " "Use the page_layout attribute instead.", PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self._set_page_layout(layout)
@property def page_layout(self): """ Page layout property. .. list-table:: Valid ``layout`` values :widths: 50 200 * - /NoLayout - Layout explicitly not specified * - /SinglePage - Show one page at a time * - /OneColumn - Show one column at a time * - /TwoColumnLeft - Show pages in two columns, odd-numbered pages on the left * - /TwoColumnRight - Show pages in two columns, odd-numbered pages on the right * - /TwoPageLeft - Show two pages at a time, odd-numbered pages on the left * - /TwoPageRight - Show two pages at a time, odd-numbered pages on the right """ return self._get_page_layout() @page_layout.setter def page_layout(self, layout): self._set_page_layout(layout) @property def pageLayout(self): """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :py:attr:`page_layout` instead. """ warnings.warn( "pageLayout will be removed in PyPDF2 2.0.0. " "Use the page_layout attribute instead.", PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self.page_layout @pageLayout.setter def pageLayout(self, layout): """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :py:attr:`page_layout` instead. """ warnings.warn( "pageLayout will be removed in PyPDF2 2.0.0. " "Use the page_layout attribute instead.", PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) self.page_layout = layout _valid_modes = [ "/UseNone", "/UseOutlines", "/UseThumbs", "/FullScreen", "/UseOC", "/UseAttachments", ] def _get_page_mode(self): """ Get the page mode. See :meth:`setPageMode()<PdfWriter.setPageMode>` for a description of valid modes. :return: Page mode currently being used. :rtype: str, None if not specified. """ try: return self._root_object["/PageMode"] except KeyError: return None
[docs] def getPageMode(self): """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :py:attr:`page_mode` instead. """ warnings.warn( "getPageMode() will be removed in PyPDF2 2.0.0. " "Use the page_mode attribute instead.", PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self._get_page_mode()
[docs] def set_page_mode(self, mode): """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :py:attr:`page_mode` instead. """ if not isinstance(mode, NameObject): if mode not in self._valid_modes: warnings.warn( "Mode should be one of: {}".format(", ".join(self._valid_modes)) ) mode = NameObject(mode) self._root_object.update({NameObject("/PageMode"): mode})
[docs] def setPageMode(self, mode): """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :py:attr:`page_mode` instead. """ warnings.warn( "setPageMode() will be removed in PyPDF2 2.0.0. " "Use the page_mode attribute instead.", PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self.set_page_mode(mode)
@property def page_mode(self): """ Page mode property. .. list-table:: Valid ``mode`` values :widths: 50 200 * - /UseNone - Do not show outlines or thumbnails panels * - /UseOutlines - Show outlines (aka bookmarks) panel * - /UseThumbs - Show page thumbnails panel * - /FullScreen - Fullscreen view * - /UseOC - Show Optional Content Group (OCG) panel * - /UseAttachments - Show attachments panel """ return self._get_page_mode() @page_mode.setter def page_mode(self, mode): self.set_page_mode(mode) @property def pageMode(self): """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :py:attr:`page_mode` instead. """ warnings.warn( "pageMode will be removed in PyPDF2 2.0.0. " "Use the page_mode attribute instead.", PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) return self.page_mode @pageMode.setter def pageMode(self, mode): """ .. deprecated:: 1.28.0 Use :py:attr:`page_mode` instead. """ warnings.warn( "pageMode will be removed in PyPDF2 2.0.0. " "Use the page_mode attribute instead.", PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) self.page_mode = mode
class PdfFileWriter(PdfWriter): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): warnings.warn( "PdfFileWriter was renamed to PdfWriter. PdfFileWriter will be removed", PendingDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)