
PyPDF2 uses pytest for testing.

De-selecting groups of tests

PyPDF2 makes use of the following pytest markers:

  • slow: Tests that require more than 5 seconds

  • samples: Tests that require the the sample-files git submodule to be initialized. As of October 2022, this is about 25 MB.

  • external: Tests that download PDF documents. They are stored locally and thus only need to be downloaded once. As of October 2022, this is about 200 MB.

You can disable them by pytest -m "not external" or pytest -m "not samples". You can even disable all of them: pytest -m "not external" -m "not samples" -m "not slow".

Please note that this reduces test coverage. The CI will always test all files.

Creating a Coverage Report

If you want to get a coverage report that considers the Python version specific code, you can run tox.

As a prerequisite, we recommend using pyenv so that you can install the different Python versions:

pyenv install pypy3.8-7.3.7
pyenv install 3.6.15
pyenv install 3.7.12
pyenv install 3.8.12
pyenv install 3.9.10
pyenv install 3.10.2

Then you can execute tox which will create a coverage report in HTML form in the end. The execution takes about 30 minutes.